From 10 to 20: Shruti Gandhi, Founder & General Partner — Array Ventures
We asked 12 amazing founders and investors to share a look back and predictions for the road ahead. Celebrity photographer Ashley Batz joined in to capture these trailblazers on the cusp between decades & author Alice Berman penned an essay about decade that was. Find the full article here.
Shruti Gandhi by Ashley Batz
Who inspires you? Anyone who is beating their odds…that puts most women in that category!
What’s one thing you find yourself thinking on a daily basis? Discovering a job that can employ people with most basic skills for a meaningful wage.
What is the most important part of your routine, the thing that really keeps you on track mentally every day? A very healthy and huge breakfast.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given? I learned this lesson the hard way but one of my bosses said that everyone has the power to influence and don’t need a title to take charge.
Which trend for the coming year is your favorite: sustainability, personalization, or AI? I definitely believe in AI as it’s a major focus of Array Ventures.
What changes have you seen in the past decade when it comes to your field of work? Cloud has enabled SaaS and will continue to do so in the coming decade.
Which trends do you think are most important for us to focus on in the next decade? Most software being used in companies is 15–20 years old so in the next decade there is an opportunity for enterprises to really revamp their software stack.
What’s been an obstacle you’ve consistently run up against in this industry, and do you see that changing? Founders are now more open to consciously including women investors on their cap table and this is especially relevant for enterprise companies. Before, women investors had to work twice as hard to prove themselves as technically proficient but now it’s becoming more of an asset to win deals with great founders.
Where should we be looking for inspiration on “what’s next” in investing? Large industries with inefficient spend.
What are you personally invested in (on an emotional level) over the next decade? I’m emotionally attracted to founders solving basic problems in India with frugal innovation. They may not be venture backed businesses but they still have the potential to impact millions of users.
Read all 12 profiles here.
Special thanks to our supporters: Silicon Valley Bank, Rent the Runway & StyleSeat.