From 10 to 20: Elizabeth Weil, Venture Capitalist

We asked 12 amazing founders and investors to share a look back and predictions for the road ahead. Celebrity photographer Ashley Batz joined in to capture these trailblazers on the cusp between decades & author Alice Berman penned an essay about decade that was. Find the full article here.

Elizabeth Weil by Ashley Batz

Who Inspires You? My mom inspires me. She’s 76 years old and still swimming and running 5 miles each morning. She and my dad divorced when I was 7 years old, and she raised two daughters on a teacher’s salary — and managed to pay off our home and get her Masters degree at the same time. Throughout, my mom led by example. She knew everyone in our community, and made time for all sorts of people in her life. She was known and loved throughout our community, and inspired me to make a big world feel smaller by befriending the everyday people in our lives like our garbage truck driver and grocery store checkers.

What’s one thing you find yourself thinking on a daily basis? Have fun with my children. Don’t bring the day’s stress home to them.

What is the most important part of your routine, the thing that really keeps you on track mentally every day? My non-negotiable morning ≥1hr run. Mind clearing, endorphin-boosting, level-set for the day.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given? It all makes sense looking backward. Our paths always seem to make sense when we look backward, but for example, I had no master plan in mind for the route I took. I had three criteria that guided my choices: work with great people, in an environment I enjoy, and always be learning. If I satisfy those, I can’t really go wrong.

Which trend for the coming year is your favorite: sustainability, personalization, or AI? Personalization. I think we are each still finding ourselves and growing (and inspiring) through personal expression.

What’s been an obstacle you’ve consistently run up against in this industry, and do you see that changing? At nearly each place I’ve worked in my career, I have been the first pregnancy. I’ve had to be my own vocal advocate and that shouldn’t be the case in 2020 and beyond.

Where should we be looking for inspiration on “what’s next” in investing? Who are the people in your network that are super different from you and think about the things that you don’t think about? Look to them for inspiration and the opportunity to see around different corners.

What are you personally invested in (on an emotional level) over the next year? This year I’m going to attempt to be intentional about my calendar. I’ve been performing a massive calendar audit recently. I’m not very good with having blank space. 2020 will be the year I learn to give myself blank space.

Read all 12 profiles here.

Special thanks to our supporters: Silicon Valley Bank, Rent the Runway & StyleSeat.


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