From 10 to 20: Julia Collins, Founder & CEO — Planet FWD

We asked 12 amazing founders and investors to share a look back and predictions for the road ahead. Celebrity photographer Ashley Batz joined in to capture these trailblazers on the cusp between decades & author Alice Berman penned an essay about decade that was. Find the full article here.

Julia Collins by Ashley Batz

Who inspires you? Greta Thunberg

What’s one thing you find yourself thinking on a daily basis? I really hate plastic

What is the most important part of your routine, the thing that really keeps you on track mentally every day? I lift very, very, very heavy weights with my trainer.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given? You are never as good or as bad as people say you are.

Which trends do you think are most important for us to focus on in the next decade? Everything will be sustainable or regenerative. Food, fashion, transportation, 3PL… everything. Supply chains will have to become more transparent and carbon emissions will be accounted for across the value chain.

What’s been an obstacle you’ve consistently run up against in this industry, and do you see that changing? Throughout my career in food and tech, I have consistently been cautioned against being too nice. Many people have tried to convince me to be less open, less warm and less accepting. I have never listened to this advice. Now I see that the world is catching up to me and others like me who embody a kinder type of energy. The rules of power are shifting dramatically. Tomorrow’s leaders will not embody the old tropes. Tomorrow’s workforce won’t work for jerks. Tomorrow’s customers will hold brands accountable for being nice.

Where should we be looking for inspiration on “what’s next” in investing? Big problems create big markets. We should all be looking at Climate Change reversal and plastic-reduction as two emerging categories for investing.

What are you personally invested in (on an emotional level) over the next decade? I’m invested in letting go of fear, stress, worry and anxiety so that I can enjoy and savor this incredibly creative and productive period in my professional life.

Read all 12 profiles here.

Special thanks to our supporters: Silicon Valley Bank, Rent the Runway & StyleSeat.

Climate Change

Venture Capital


From 10 to 20: Elizabeth Weil, Venture Capitalist


Cleo Capital Presents: From 10 To 20